
This site was created in response to the amazing outpouring of love and concern for Brian Corcoran, Sr. and his family.

Brian fell ill with the flu and was subsequently hospitalized on Wednesday, February 5th.  At the time of this site’s creation, Brian has been in the ICU of Northridge Hospital under constant care and supervision.  Because of the amazing concern for his well-being, this site was crated so that his family could keep everyone updated on his condition.

Brian & Yvonne Corcoran

As we continue to pray for Brian’s recovery, we thank all of you for your love and prayers.  Keep them coming!


  1. Bob Molina
    Feb 20, 2014

    We’re praying for you buddy……

  2. Mike Griffin
    Feb 20, 2014

    Too many years Brian…….. you stay strong and we will talk soon.
    Still got to finish that business about my HK P-7.

    Prayers and good thoughts to you and your family,

    Mike Griffin
    Beach Team ’85

  3. Bob Chrisman
    Feb 20, 2014

    Brian, though I’ve been retired for more than 23 years, there are some that you worked with that shall never be forgotten.You my friend are one of those. A giant of a man, with a giant heart. Get well and God Bless You !

  4. Karyl Burt
    Feb 23, 2014

    Hey Brian,
    I remember the first day I saw you in Malibu Station. What a beautiful smile! And you are the most gentle of gentlemen. I pray for your wellness and strength for your family. When you touch another person who can remember you from over 30 years ago, well says it all, you are loved.

  5. Charlie Marshall
    Feb 23, 2014

    That is great news. Brian is one of the strongest people I know and with our prayers and Gods help, he will beat this.

    I know Brian feels your preence and your constant vigil

  6. Doug Gallaher
    Feb 25, 2014

    We are all pulling for you and your family. Get well soon!!!

  7. Art Medina
    Feb 25, 2014

    You are in our prayers, Brian. God bless you and your family.

  8. Michael Koch
    Feb 26, 2014

    I am sadden to here that Brian passed away. He was and is a great man and we shared many a good times at Malibu Station in the early 1980’s. He will be dearly missed and loved by all who knew him. The Lord has with him a great man and heaven is better for receiving him. Rest in peace my friend, my radio car partner, and one of Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s finest Deputy.

  9. Joe Purcell
    Feb 26, 2014

    I, just as everyone who knew him is, am heartbroken over Brian’s passing. He was a great man, friend and partner. Saying he will be missed is an insufficient expression of the loss Brian’s passing represents to all who knew him. I will treasure every memory.

    Feb 26, 2014

    IF WE CAN HELP PLEASE CALL . 818-970-3266

  11. Bobby Braswell
    Mar 3, 2014

    I have been reflecting over the last week or so about what a great man and friend Brian was. We spent most of our times talking about our families. I always enjoyed our conversations about our kids. Our boys, their successes, their messes, their character. We talked about our daughters and the hopes and dreams that we had for them…finding that perfect guy. Realizing all the while that no knuckle head would ever be good enough for Katie, Christy, or Kyndal. We laughed about cleaning his guns right in front of the guy on that first date. We talked about how blessed we were to have such wonderful wives! Always there from home schooling to just making our lives so much easier.

    I will miss those conversations and the times we enjoyed having a great steak at Ruth’s Chris or having a family meal at Bakers Square. I will always remember the night he walked with me on Ventura Blvd. as I struggled with Jeff’s health scare. He was the one reminding me that God was in control and Jeff would be ok. He was right!

    Brian was a great friend, and what I appreciated about him the most was the fact that he cared for my children and loved them as if they were his own. He was my friend and my brother and I will truly miss him.

    “A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.” (Proverbs 17:17 NLT)

  12. Hermanhof
    Dec 16, 2019
  13. Michaelfibra
    May 29, 2024

    Автомобиль с пятью подростками утонул в реке Рощинка в Ленобласти.
    По предварительным данным, подростки угнали автомобиль Skoda и уходили от погони, но скатились в реку. Двое доплыли до берега самостоятельно, сейчас они в больнице. Тела двоих погибших вытащили водолазы, третье тело всё ещё ищут…


  14. Anthonymak
    Jun 16, 2024

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